Σάββατο 1 Οκτωβρίου 2011

Nobody Can Predict The Moment Of Revolution ( Occupy Wall Street )

We want to share insights into the formation of a new social movement as it is still taking shape in real time.
The video was shot during the 5th and 6th day of the occupation.
This idea to occupy the financial district in New York City was inspired by recent uprisings in Spain, Greece, Egypt, and Tunisia

which most of us were following online.
Despite of the corporate media's effort to silence the protests, and Yahoo's attempt to to censor it in e-mail communication,
the occupation is growing in numbers and spreading to other cities in the US and abroad.
Please forward our video to likeminded people via email, facebook, twitter - and make the voices of dissent circulate.

13 Responses to “Nobody Can Predict The Moment Of Revolution ( Occupy Wall Street )”

  1. Armani on September 27th, 2011 at 1:13 am#
    Great Video. I had a feeling this was wordpress.
  2. roracle on September 27th, 2011 at 9:44 am#
    “Nobody can predict the moment of revolution” except Occupy Together. Funny how the word “together” is like three words in one: to get her. To get her whom? The country? Countries are known as “her”. Are you planning a government overthrow? Should I contact AttackWatch.com?
  3. roracle on September 27th, 2011 at 9:45 am#
    “Your comment is awaiting moderation.” because this isn’t a freedom based movement. They won’t let people say what they want I bet…but who knows?! It hasn’t been posted yet!!!!!
    • Sam on September 27th, 2011 at 9:49 am#
      To prevent spam, we are required to approve your first comment. We aren’t interested in censoring unless a comment is threatening or unlawful. You are free to express your opinion here. Occupy Together, the other movements popping up across the country, and Occupy Wall St. are all peaceful, non-violent movements. We do not endorse “overthrow,” only change.
  4. roracle on September 27th, 2011 at 10:01 am#
    But change has already occurred back in the 1790′s. Anything else is just going back to the past. It sounds good because we haven’t had these old ideals in forever. But the reason our founders didn’t put them in is because before the USA there was only poverty and ruin throughout Europe. Are we to be like them? I say no to this “movement”. True change happens only in your own life, unless you’re a “realist” then you have to force others to do what they want. If you like forcing others to do as you want, sure go live in Russia or Iran. But don’t bring it here.
    • roracle on September 27th, 2011 at 10:35 am#
      *force others to do what you want.
      By the way, this has to stop. You guys think it’s just you in the world, think you have this growing number of people so upset. But the truth is that’s just what the media says, not what reality is. The reality is there is a large number of people who aren’t part of the statistics you fill out. Why? Because it’s our wild card. Never tell the other side how powerful you are. (Power is in numbers in this country.)
      We don’t have to give people our information, ergo we are uncounted. Get used to it, the majority is not only more intelligent than these failed protests by so-called academics that don’t know the difference between a Nazi and a Conservative. You’re being led like a moth to a flame. I won’t hurt out of this, but if you get a broken nose, that’s your own problem.
      There, that’s my way of saying “peace be with you.” I’m not upset except that I am showing more compassion for you than you are showing for all the sheep you’re rallying. You expect them to get hurt and to complain about police brutality (or was that media teet run dry from the weekend protests?). Oh well, give it a few months, I’m sure the sheeple you herd will forget by then.
  5. SpiritOfTheLaws on September 28th, 2011 at 3:51 am#
    If you really believe that the creation of the United States of America was the last meaningful change that will occur in all of society, then you are very ignorant when it comes to the study of human history. The “founders” that you speak of did not believe that they created the perfect blueprint for society, that’s why the US Constitution is amendable (subject to change). And who is this “majority” you speak of? Oh, you mean the extreme minority that many people seem to think that they are a part of because the media fools them into doing so.
    The truth is that less than %1 of the people in this country control the majority of the wealth (like earlier times in history, or, as you put it, “going back to the past”), while most of the %99 struggle to keep or find a job today.
    It’s interesting to see people forget that this country was founded on dissent. This country was founded on individual freedom and accountability, not self-righteousness and corporate greed. History will look back on this movement as part of a much bigger trend that’s occurring throughout the world today. The struggles of many other countries are intimately tied to ours through the global market economy. You would be surprised how similar someones interests in Russia or Iran would be to our own if you didn’t focus on the mainstream interpretations of what Russia and Iran is like.
    We are all people, even the %1. The only difference between us and them is that we have nothing to loose.
  6. poopdick on September 28th, 2011 at 4:02 am#
    What ever happened to just going to school and getting a degree that can pay off any debt you might have developed afterwards and then start a life? Or going off of federal student aid and then joining the military or something? Either way… It is all likely that we will be prosperous and successful if we plan ahead for ourselves and follow the basic norm of society. Even if we do end up working for some big corporate company, does that kind of paycheck not pay the bills? If everyone did this, we will not only be able to continue embracing the the lifestyle and lucrative living standards that is the average in the US today, but we will also be able to live an outstanding kind of proactivist life that has been one of the greatest qualities of this capital. I just don’t see what everyone has to be so pissed off about. We those people who are living on the street on protest, have they even explored theory realm of possibilities, or looked for employment all over ? How could one be so helpless. Is this not the USA?
    • JEAN on September 29th, 2011 at 3:23 am#
      perhaps not everyone is content with getting a ‘corporate’ job and sleepwalking through life supporting institutions that value profit over a meaningful life (i.e. a living wage, appropriate sick time, vacation time, personal holidays, an actual 40 hour work week). i think its sad that you must be sleeping too. WAKE UP.
  7. silver on September 28th, 2011 at 8:52 am#
    YOU ALL already have the power to bring the bankers down.. YOU ALL must buy one ounce or more of physical silver bullion. Learn more why this will bring them down
  8. [...] (via occupytogether) [...]
  9. BobbyS on September 28th, 2011 at 12:44 pm#
    If you all really want to get back at Wall St./Bankers you should BUY AS MUCH PHYSICAL SILVER AS POSSIBLE! Take advantage of the pull back! Go to APMEX or Gainsville Coins or eBay…
  10. goose. on September 29th, 2011 at 6:47 am#
    Hey folks, there’s a lot of mixed sentiment going into all of this and many people, by nature, disdain any type of change. Here’s an article I wrote capitulating some of these emotions, the American Awakening:
    ΔΕΙΤΕ ΕΠΙΣΗΣ-ΕΠΙΤΕΛΟΥΣ! Πρωτοσέλιδο στους "The New York Times" οι Wall Street Occupiers  http://farmakoglwssa-kirki.blogspot.com/2011/10/new-york-times-wall-street-occupiers.html

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